

I cant go to taco bell, I'm on an all carb diet.

I always knew that being in college would keep me busy. I also knew that I would experience low cash flow. I was prepared for these things... sort of. I was not prepared for the weird eating habits. Tonight for dinner I had...

  • Chocolate Cake and
  • Honey Dijon Kettle chips


Wouldn't you just love to get this as a holiday gift?

23 years ago today...

Happy birthday to the twins in the family.

I love that they are twins and they dont even look related. Love you brother and sister and I am so happy you were born!


oh for the love

For the past couple of months I have been swamped with school. I have been so swamped that I have not be1.en able to make time for the things that I love. This has been sad and has kept me on edge... I mean how can you not be on edge if you arent doing things to make yourself happy. There are several things that inspire me, sooth me and just make me happy. I have a list of these things, but they are not just things. The list includes people, places, and things; I love nouns. Begin List.

1. Family. My family has always been huge, and it just keeps growing. There is nothing in the world that makes me happier than when I am around any of them. You also drive me insane :-)

2. Friends. I have had many friends over the years, and busy life makes maintaining friendships difficult. I hate growing up for this very reason. Some days I ache thinking back and all I want is to be in a friends backyard dancing like an idiot. I try not to dwell in that mindset for too long, and I snap back to reality. I am happy to be growing up. I have pictures to cherish forever and I will do just that. I do still hope that someday we'll have matching old lady cars...

3. Creating. I love to make stuff. I love to challenge my creative side, and jump at the chance to try something new. I love sewing, drawing, writing, scrap-booking, knitting, jewelry making, and pretty much anything else that fits in a category with those other things. Taking the time to make something is not always easy, but I always feel so great after I am finished. I love to give handmade gifts, because I feel like that is a great way to let someone know you care. I love color, texture, and glitter and when I make stuff I get to pick out whatever I want. Yes please.

4. Cooking. I debated on whether or not I should put this with creating. I rarely use a recipe when I am cooking. This is partly because I get bored with instruction, and also because I like to test my kitchen knowledge. This does not always go well, but I definitely get better with each attempt. I like to think I am a good cook, but I know that I have a lot of room for improvement. I love food; it makes me very happy, and if I can create something with food I am seriously happy. I go through phases of what I like to cook, and sometimes I go through spells of no cooking (right now). I still love it, and a good plate of food can solve lots ofmy problems.... dont tell. I guess I should have called this category food, because I just get happy when anything involves food. I love cooking it, eating it, watching it being worked with. I especially love the Food Network....

5. Movies. I Love watching movies. I could watch movies all day long every day. I am pretty sure I just love stories and that is why I also love reading...

i seriously love netflix... movies and tv!

6. reading. I love to read. I love to read. I love to read. Books are so wonderful; I love the smell of them, I love the look of them, and I love the feel of them. I dont even get mad when I get paper cuts from them. There is something wonderful about reading a story and using your imagination to create the characters. I really dislike when books are made into movies, yet im still always first in line at the premiers. I like being disappointed? whatever... these books make my heart flutter.

This has quickly become the longest post of all time. Before your eyes disintegrate I will say to be continued...


hello old friends

Sorry for the months of absence... Being at a new school, in a new city, just having everything new is very difficult. I did not even have internet until about two weeks ago, but now I do! Things will be picking up for me in the blogging world and I hope you enjoy the changes that will be happening. I have several posts planned for your reading pleasure and I am excited to also be sharing some details about my journey. I might even let you peek inside my apartment!



3rd times a...

So, ladies and gentlemen, I am writing this post to finally let you all in on the crazy.

About 3 weeks ago I made a very scary, strange, and unexpected decision. I decided to apply to Butler University. This was something that I had considered multiple times before, but always just set those thoughts aside. I had finally reached the edge of insanity, due to seriously missing certain types of music, and I was ready to take the plunge. Well long story short, I was accepted. It was incredibly difficult to plan everything so quickly; at times I wanted to just throw my hands up and surrender myself to Oklahoma. Everything eventually fell into place and I feel I have gained back some of my control. I will be moving back to indiana in 2 days and I am still overwhelmed. I am also very excited. There have been a lot of great things about moving out to Oklahoma, and one of them has been finding myself. I was brought back to life this year and I am so ready for this next step. It will be challenging and it will be scary; I cannot wait!

This is all so new. I am so scared. I keep questioning whether or not it is right. But I am going with it. Cross your fingers :-)


Ok Great

Dear Blog,

I have not forgotten you. I will return after the storms have settled; I will have stories to tell.



thats what you get

I stumbled across this sweet video on a friends facebook this afternoon...

A couple, married for 62 years, stops to share some music :-)

Last night I had an allergic reaction...lovely. I have been having trouble sleeping and decided to take an ambien. I dont usually use it because I like to get to sleep on my own. Every once in a while though I need it. Well I only had the generic form and apparently I am allergic to it. So no more of that. I still have gross swollen eyes today.


He's right on top of us!

I have not been keeping up with my blogging lately. I have been crazy busy and have been in the middle of some big changes. Hopefully everything will slow down soon, and I can get back to writing :-)

I love reading cookbooks; almost as much as I love reading novels. There is something wonderful about taking them all out and just browsing. Maybe that is crazy, but I love it. And since this is my blog, I think Ill talk some more about cookbooks.

I have this ever growing list of cookbooks that I want. I take pictures on my iphone if I really want them.

My current wish list includes:

1. The Art and Soul of Baking by: Cindy Mushet

2. How to be a Domestic Goddess by: the wonderful Nigella Lawson

3. The Art of Eating by: M.F.K. Fisher

4. Herbs & Spices; the Cooks Reference by Jill Norman

5. Cheese & Wine by Janet Fletcher

6. Hors d'Oeuvre at Home from: The Culinary Institute of America

7. Vegetable Love by: Barbara Kafka

8. The Modern Baker by: Nick Malgier

9. Peter Reinhart's Whole Grain Bread

10. All of Jamie Oliver's cookbooks :-)

Okay, so this is a little insane; I am completely aware. This is a list that I have been putting together for a long time. It was longer but some of the books have been removed by the kindness of Mr. Frank. Most girls would get mad if their boyfriend got them cooking stuff for a holiday, not this girl. I am like a child a christmas. I have a great collection of cookbooks that friends and family have gotten for me...some that I have purchased for myself. They just never get old.

The other thing that I love is the new Fine living Network, or the Cooking Channel. I get to watch Jamie Oliver, Julia Child, and Iron Chef Japan (which was my favorite show as a child; I know this is strange, but you are probably not surprised)!

Tonight I made an awesome burger. It was a beef patty with salt and pepper. I topped it with basil, green onion, garlic, smoked cheddar and monterey jack cheese. I ate it before I could take pictures...

(Images: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)


I am so thankful to always be surrounded by people who, despite the frequent location changes, are always loving and welcoming. I have been so blessed to have great friends and family in my life. They have always been so supportive and have always been there for me to lean on. I admit that I tend to shy away from leaning on shoulders. I can be stubborn and most of the time I do my best to cover up my emotions. But I always know that you are there. I hope that you know how much that means to me. I am learning to let myself go sometimes and it feels good. In the past I have been afraid to be too needy or too emotional; It got to the point where I just cut that out completely. But thank you for letting me know it is ok to cry. It is ok to have off days, and it is ok to be angry sometimes. I am opening up my bottled emotions (don't be afraid, I'm not doing it all at once) and I'm letting you inside. So thank you. To my friends, and my family. For slowly prying me open. I love you and today I am thankful for you.


hiiiiiilarious soymilk advertisement. poor mom.

I remember when my youngest sister Syd was really little, she could not say some words. A few sounded like curse words. Especially the word frog... She never really did the repeating thing, but I have heard plenty of kids saying things they shouldnt.

Today is Sandi's Birthday and we went out to Mama Rojas tonight for some yummy Mexican. There is never a time where I do not want Mexican food, and the sad thing is that I do not have access to my favorite Mexican restaurant Real Hacienda. Some may say that it is not authentic, but I do not care. I could eat Arroz Con Pollo all day every day. I would most likely die very young, but no need to think of that.

Dinner was hillarious. It was Sandi, Dad, Mollie, myself, and a couple of friends. The friends, who shall remain nameless, told a story that I am still laughing about.

The Tale of the Husband and Wife.

There once was a husband and wife. One morning Husband woke feeling odd. He spent the day moping around, and once his wife even found him sprawled across the floor as he was tired of not knowing what was wrong. The husband, a very athletic and energetic man, even took a nap this day. Throughout the day he just kept saying that he did not feel like himself. As the day came to a close, the husband told his wife he needed to soak in the bathtub. He felt that this was what he needed to feel better. As he bathed, the woman came into the bathroom to get ready for bed. When she walked by the tub, she glanced down at him and immediately started laughing. She had figured out what was wrong with her dearest husband. She had found that her hormone patch had somehow transfered to her husband, so the feelings he had throughout the day were that of hormone changes... He was, for a day, experiencing the hormones of a woman.

I died when they told me this. We had to be annoying people in the restaurant with our loud laughing. The Mrs. told the story and the Mr. just sat back and shook his head. It was so funny to watch their retelling of this story, and how funny she thought it was. She could not get over how he was reacting the whole day, and of course everything made sense when she saw the patch. She said that he would just mope around, and put his hands on his face saying he just was not himself. He was a good sport when she was telling us and even made jokes about his milk letting out. So funny.

We watched The Young Victoria tonight. I am so in love with this movie. If you have not seen it and you are female you should watch it now. If you are male you should also watch it and take notes...


I am back home today, and I am actually pretty sad about it. I do love oklahoma, but when you have a couple of weeks like I just had...

I havent written about the Camp Meeting thing that we did...and I probably wont actually. It was great, and I am so happy we all got to be up on the stage together... minus band leader Donnie. We took a million snapshots, but this one of me and mah ladies I
really love...

it is blurry and terrible, and i love it

oooooklahoma where the wind comes sweepin down the plain.


Is it bigger than a microwave?

Took a Roadtrip with two of the Frank boys....

Andrew and his Father

to Door County, Wisconsin where Andrews grandparents Bill and Pat live. What I did not know is how interesting this trip would actually be...

they played 20 questions for a really long time... and not normal twenty questions, no. When i think of this game, I think of picking something silly, and hearing someone ask questions like is it a person, is it green, do they stink.? When the franks play they choose things like an idea (just an idea, not a specific one), pylon, tang, and bricks and ask questions like is it edible, is it organic, is it bigger than a microwave or does it have something to do with something political that i dont understand so i just nod my head. insane. this is why, when they asked if i wanted to play, i said no thanks, i like to listen. i was just scared.

But I must say that where their ideas of games are slightly odd, probably because they are too intelligent for me, their music likings are quite nice! Roadtrip playlist yes please!

1. The Xith Commandment- Chuck Mangione
2. Surrender- Cheap Trick
The Great Debate...which version is better?
3. I Heard It Through the Grapevine- Marvin Gaye
4. " " Creedence Clearwater Revival
5. The Crunge- Led Zeppelin
6. Show Me the Way- Peter Frampton
7. Baby, I Love Your Way- Peter Frampton
8. Uncle John's Band- Grateful Dead
9. Casey Jones- Grateful Dead
10. Wildflowers- Tom Petty
11. Only a Broken Heart- Tom Petty
12. England Swings- Roger Miller
here begins the fleetwood mac kick...
13. Second Hand News
14. Dreams
15. Don't Stop
16. Songbird
17. Olsen Olsen- Sigur Ros
18. Sky Blue Sky- Wilco
19. Yesterdays- Switchfoot
20. Casimir Pulaski Day- Sufjan Stevens
21. Faking My Own Suicide- Relient K
22.House of Cards- Radiohead
23. Away- Kathleen Edwards

The trip was 9 hours, so that is obviously not the entire catalog... but i thought id spare you. I also left out the talk radio that was being listened to because i fell asleep...

The trip went by very fast being that i was in the car with two very entertaining individuals.

the drive towards the end was right by the water and so we stopped to take it in.

Not only was door county awesome; it was incredibly beautiful. The county's whole population is like 1000. Each little town has around 200 people that live there throughout the whole year. During the summer time quite a few people come in and out for vacations, so most of the homes are just giant summer homes. It had such a sweet feel everywhere you went. I would love to live there all the time. Tons of art galleries of local artists like painters, potters, and tons of jewelry artists. I got a sweet turquoise ring from a cool little indian shop called chief osh kosh where the franks used to take andrew and his siblings when they were little. Door County is a peninsula so everywhere you went you got awesome views...

The Frank Gparents live in a beeeautiful house that is up a swervy road atop a hill that has the most breathtaking view of the water. It was incredible and I wish I could look at it everyday like they do.

We got to spend some quality time with gpa and andrew and myself got to go around town. I bought, as usual, mostly food products to bring home.

We went to an Oilerie where we tasted a million olive oils and picked a truffle oil to buy... they poured it for me right there. Then we went to a confectionary where I bought a pound of fudge... do not judge me. I promise not to eat it all in one sitting. We then ventured to a Winery where we did a wine tasting and each purchased a bottle. Andrew got a Christmas wine, of course, and then I got their blackberry wine and a jar of CHERRY SALSA! It is cherry picking season, but we did not have time to do that. sad.

We went to this church turned christmas crazy house called tannenbaum. it was AWESOME.

they had the cutest little nativity scene that everyone should place in their children's rooms...

when i was there i got an interesting phone call...

I received a call from my Gma and did not answer because we were in this ritzy christmas shop where people already looked at us weird for being in our early twenties and so interested in ornaments... Then Andrew gets a call from my sister, which we thought was strange, so he answered as we walked to the back. She asked for me, and then told me to call my Grandmother... After I got off the phone I got another call from gma so I was very curious now, and answered the call as we left. She sounded odd, very flabbergasted, and relieved to be hearing my voice. She calms down and starts to tell me a story...
You're in Wisconsin? Oh thank God!!! I got a call from someone who I thought was you. Insert fake Aly...
She said that she was in Mexico. She had gone down there for a Wedding, had some alcohol, and had been taking Nyquil for sinuses. Got in a wreck and failed the breathalyzer so she was in prison. The girl even had a friend, who posed as a lawyer saying that she needed money to be sent so that "I" could be bailed out and sent home on the first flight back. My Grandmother was on her way to the bank to send $3000 dollars to this woman thinking it was me. She was not going to tell anyone about because this woman played the gma i trust you please dont tell anyone card. I felt so bad, but my grandma was a good sport, and was so relieved to find that I was not in mexico, but in Wisconsin looking at Christmas stuff in june... This was terrible, and crazy, but she was joking about it; saying she is too old for this crap. And I must say it is nice to know that my Grandmother would bail me out if I actually needed it. She is the best :-)

after that we went to dinner and ate our weight in oysters rockerfeller, fish, duck, prime rib, you name it we ordered it.

We ate well, laughed, cried, and had a really great trip. His Grandpa tells the best stories about all the crazy things he has done. I love listening to their family, any of them, talk about their lives. I could do that all day long.

the trip home was long...

I do have to tell you that one of my favorite things in the world is to drive by these guys....i have no idea why, but they bring out the child at christmas excitement in me. there have been many things that i can remember being so huge when i was little, and when i return to visit them again they are not as magnificent as i remembered. visiting these still makes me feel as small as an ant and its so awesome. i saw them not two months ago and i still squealed with joy when i saw them coming up in the distance...

i love it when he smiles for pictures...


its a family celebration!

we have had a few nights of birthday celebration for myself this past 1 was sushi at naked tchopstix and cupcakes at flying cupcake. day two was a night at palamino eating yummmmy food!!! it was wonderful, and i feel very celebrated. thanks :-)


she's not done with her autopsy.

Mollie, Donnie, and myself went on a roadtrip friday morning...

the sky was fantastic in the afternoon

We were heading to Michigan to spend a few days and have a grad party for Mo. 16 hours in the car. We ended up staying a few hours in Anderson due to some bad weather; woke up at 5:50 and headed to MI.

When Mollie saw this car she got excited by the license plate...She yelled R ti du ti...what she meant to say was r2d2.

I, sadly, only took a few pictures of the weekend on my phone. The ones I did manage to get do not tell you anything of the great time that we had with out friends and family. They actually say nothing of what we did at all...As you will see below.

Here are some pictures that I took of my cousin Brandon and his wife Christy's dog Piper...

She decided to get on this bench and pose and it was hillarious.

The last day we were there my Aunt made us eggs in a basket...Made with the best bread from breadsmith. She gave me a loaf to take home with me :-)

And here is mollie...on the way home. doing something weird.

The trip really was fantastic. I was able to catch up with so many people that I love. My uncle Kent did in fact have us laughing from the first time he opened his mouth. My Uncles friend Caren Martin was at the graduation party and she is wonderful! She has bee colonies and chickens and she was telling us all about them. She gave me two bottles of raw organic honey that to me, and even andrew, is the best I've ever had. The graduation party was a complete success. My aunt denise really out did herself. As well as everyone else in the house. Mollie was extremely happy, and so were the rest of us.

Throughout the stay there were so many funny stories about family. Those are my favorite. My grandpa and great grandpa on my moms side were hilarious. You really do not find funny like that very often. It usually had to do with Pa and nother Pa being politically incorrect or using medical terms that were not always right... :-)
So funny.

I got to go into taylor and see my closest friends from highschool Holly Maggie and Alyce. I stayed a couple nights at Holly's in Detroit. Very cute apartment...too many cats haha. And we had all of Michigan's finest cuisine... Senate coneys, White castle, Olga's, and matador Tacos. Gross you say, but it is amazing how something like white castle can taste so good when it is not available to you... pray that our stomachs return to normal before long.

Great trip= a time to take photos

This is why I am getting a new camera.