

its a family celebration!

we have had a few nights of birthday celebration for myself this past 1 was sushi at naked tchopstix and cupcakes at flying cupcake. day two was a night at palamino eating yummmmy food!!! it was wonderful, and i feel very celebrated. thanks :-)


she's not done with her autopsy.

Mollie, Donnie, and myself went on a roadtrip friday morning...

the sky was fantastic in the afternoon

We were heading to Michigan to spend a few days and have a grad party for Mo. 16 hours in the car. We ended up staying a few hours in Anderson due to some bad weather; woke up at 5:50 and headed to MI.

When Mollie saw this car she got excited by the license plate...She yelled R ti du ti...what she meant to say was r2d2.

I, sadly, only took a few pictures of the weekend on my phone. The ones I did manage to get do not tell you anything of the great time that we had with out friends and family. They actually say nothing of what we did at all...As you will see below.

Here are some pictures that I took of my cousin Brandon and his wife Christy's dog Piper...

She decided to get on this bench and pose and it was hillarious.

The last day we were there my Aunt made us eggs in a basket...Made with the best bread from breadsmith. She gave me a loaf to take home with me :-)

And here is mollie...on the way home. doing something weird.

The trip really was fantastic. I was able to catch up with so many people that I love. My uncle Kent did in fact have us laughing from the first time he opened his mouth. My Uncles friend Caren Martin was at the graduation party and she is wonderful! She has bee colonies and chickens and she was telling us all about them. She gave me two bottles of raw organic honey that to me, and even andrew, is the best I've ever had. The graduation party was a complete success. My aunt denise really out did herself. As well as everyone else in the house. Mollie was extremely happy, and so were the rest of us.

Throughout the stay there were so many funny stories about family. Those are my favorite. My grandpa and great grandpa on my moms side were hilarious. You really do not find funny like that very often. It usually had to do with Pa and nother Pa being politically incorrect or using medical terms that were not always right... :-)
So funny.

I got to go into taylor and see my closest friends from highschool Holly Maggie and Alyce. I stayed a couple nights at Holly's in Detroit. Very cute apartment...too many cats haha. And we had all of Michigan's finest cuisine... Senate coneys, White castle, Olga's, and matador Tacos. Gross you say, but it is amazing how something like white castle can taste so good when it is not available to you... pray that our stomachs return to normal before long.

Great trip= a time to take photos

This is why I am getting a new camera.


One night, when you were sleeping

I love using words incorrectly. It is so funny to me. Not like in a bad grammar way... more like a that word does not mean what you think it means way.

yesterday I went to dinner with Ms. Tara Dillard and it was so much fun. We went to Sage in Oklahoma city, and then our favorite! Cuppies and Jo after. On the way there we spent a lot of time laughing and using words incorrectly like i mentioned above. So fun. It was wonderful to catch up with Tara and just have a girl night. She, of course, brought along her Bridal magazines so we had a lovely time looking at those as well.

I really love Cuppies and Joe. My favorite cupcake is the boom boom pow....Vanilla Cupcake, Chocolate Buttercream, Carmel , and sea salt!

We are heading to Michigan tomorrow for Mollies Graduation Party. I am so excited to see family members I have not seen since my mom passed. Especially my uncle kent. Some of my favorite childhood memories were with him, so I know I can look forward to lots of laughs over the next couple of days.

Im sure Ill have lots of pictures of our 16 hour roadtrip. I love using my Hipstamatic app :-)
I love you Amp and Harry Potter audio books...


you can dance if you want to

Red Berries for Breakfast, and a fantastic lunch!!!

Veggie Curry. yes please.

I only took pics on my Hipstamatic app so they arent great...but oh well. the food was nommm.

So Andrew deleted his facebook. At first I didnt care, because I dont hardly use mine. But then I realized that meant I could no longer look at his facebook. Which was pretty much all I did. Let me explain, long distance relationship = no seeing his face. It has been sad, so last night I said send me a picture of your face right now.


I really miss seeing this every day.

This morning I woke up thinking about robots, and I had You Can Dance if you Want to stuck in my head....I must have been having weird dreams. But it has inspired me to do something fun and creative...more on that later!


today I had snyders buffalo pretzels for breakfast....

One time, when I was living in Michigan, I got stuck in some high water underneath a bridge about .2 miles away from my house. It was humiliating.

Flooding in OKC today. Scary.

There were Cars were completely covered by water , and people had to climb trees to avoid being swept away by the madness. There were boats on the roads, in the neighborhoods, everywhere trying to rescue people...crazy.

We painted the apartment back to its original yuck. Tomorrow we will turn in our keys, grab the last of the somehow missed belongings, and finally be rid of that bitter place. Ill miss the view of downtown, (you can see it on my blog header. the picture was taken by the lovely miss Amanda Keith over at Indie Jane Photo ) and my cute little kitchen, but I will not miss...

1. the long elevator rides to the top floor; where the crazy people installed carpet. You always had to be careful where you stood, thanks to the dogs and their sprinkled presents.

2. the man that sat in the workout room and stared whilst I worked out. He also hogged the tv because he didnt have cable in his apartment. It was terrible. Some nights id run down there to beat him to the tv. He'd walk in, and turn right back around. Every night, without fail, there he'd be with his beer and pringles.

3. the endless rave parties that my neighbors threw at 2 a.m. on weeknights. It was also frequently on sunday nights...that was the worst. I hate mondays already, so waking up after having tried to go to sleep for 2 hours the night before is no good. I got ear infections because I had to start wearing ear plugs and I probably shoved them in too far to drown out the techno booms.

the list goes on. love it! Anyways, tomorrow, done and out!

I stumbled upon this video over at one of my favorite blogs A Cup of Jo. It is a truly precious and you will not want to miss out. It captures the moment when a little boys life goes from silence back to hearing.



free time: cake time

today i got a sunburn. i rewarded myself with a cake. not just any cake. layered chocolate butter cake, vanilla meringue buttercream, topped with chocolate ganache. yes please.

I stayed up till 4 a.m. baking the cakes, cutting them, and storing them. granted i didn't start making the cakes till like 2. today I made the buttercream and then the ganache. Assembly, and then bliss.

feast your eyes on my love child.


Death will be an awfully big adventure...

P90x= death.


Saw two new things today...The Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows teaser, and my brother and sister dying on the floor. Thank you MTV and Tony Perkus, I mean Horton.

we did our first day of was insane, but we had a lot of fun. I think we will be ok since we are all doing it together. I am burning something fierce. We took our before pictures, and i will, of course, reveal them after 90 days when i have after pictures to accompany them. i know that this excitement will not last, so you will hear about the days where i hate p90x.

Pip found a pillow.

i couldnt resist

Happy exercising

image source: ice cream


i want fat kids with snub noses

We had a family movie night...minus mollie because she is a hard worker :-), and we watched the Invention of Lying.
It was a really great movie. The first 10 minutes made me a little weary, but then once he started lying it got good. That sounds so awful, but it ended well.

Ricky Gervais
I love this man.
Thank youfor the Office and for giving us your funny
side characters in movies :-)

Today I was teaching my father how to use his camera... He did not really pay attention. But I got some hillarious pictures out of it.

I asked him to smile so I could show him the smile detection...

Then asked him to blink, so that I could show him the message that shows up when someone blinks...

Neither of these pictures got the effect I wanted, so I litterally had to give him cues, OK smile now. Now blink. We eventually got it and I asked him to try and he was like try what?

I finished this book called before I die... I dont know where I get these kinds of books.
Terribly Sad, the end.

(image source: poster, ricky gervais)


i wish i could read...

These next posts were meant for Friday and Saturday....


Today we ventured out to Sulfur to go to the cold springs. It was a very fun time.

The car ride was hilarious. It was Gabe, Sam, Tara and myself. Sam and Gabe sat in the front, so me and tara got to do some catching up. She also shouted to the heavens how she wished she could read with the intention of meaning she wished she had the time to read... only to realize what it sounded like a few seconds later. I obviously know that this is one of those situations where you had to be there... but for those who were. it was great :-)

We got to the cold springs and it was wonderful... freezing, and despite the giant i mean GIANT spider that kept me atop a rock for like 50 billion hours, the day was great. No sunburns, no serious injuries from falls... so that means the falls were all hilarious. Including one where donnie almost went over little Niagara (you can imagine Niagara falls only smaller, hence the name) and almost taking me down with him. People falling in Giant holes, fear of leeches, filmy substance on top of the water, all your good ol lake spring water fears. Fun!

After our adventures we decided to try the Jo's Famous Pizza in Purcel... We usually go to the one in Edmond because Miss Mollie works there. Not as good. The Pizza was fine, but there were not as many options when it came to toppings. That is my favorite part about Jo's, the awesome toppings. Sundried Tomatoes, Spinach, feta cheese, banana peppers, yum yum yum.

That night I spent a while at the Manns house with Brit and Beks and we had a lovely girls night. Lots of talking and the two of them made blogs :-) Brittany- Ode to a Rubber Duck Rebekah- Smitten with Buttercups. So fun.



Last night confirmed that spicy food before bed makes your dreams funky....scooters, cvs, nurseries under bridges and rabid animals...

For those of you that are familiar with the karate kid movies, im going to assume you all are, this part of the post is for you.

Andrew and myself had a movie date last night. We watched the Karate Kid.

Now this movie holds a special place in my heart. I have to admit the first Karate Kid movie I remember is the next Karate kid with Hillary Swank. It started my love of action movies and the Cranberries...everybody knows the scene. But the Original has the sly mr. Daniel Larusso (Ralph Macchio).
I had a huge crush on this boy. All of his teenage boy gangly,awkward self, oh and the camo pants....loooove the camo pants...whats not to love.

I must say that watching this movie again when I can really comprehend all the parts was very funny. Not in the this movie should have won an academy award way, more like the wow I cant believe that I took this seriously. Im not saying the movie is not awesome...because it definitely is...its just the dialogue and the over all cheese factor...I love it. Anyways, if you havent watched it in a while and you have netflix it is an instant watch. So go watch it.

ok so I also have to state how much I love Mr. Myagi. I wish I had him around to teach me his ways.
Wii Fit today for the first time and I really enjoyed myself...from dodging soccer balls with my head to hula hooping to interesting yoga positions...lots to offer haha.

To the Pool!