


I am struggling. I am struggling to deal with a love affair.

must all my problems be linked to food? apparently yes, they must :-)

Winter break is coming to a close, and I could not be more happy. It is not that I have run out of exciting things to do; there is always something I can find. It is that I get so anxious towards the end of any break, and I find myself sitting about waiting for the end. It is a silly waste of time. Today I did my best to be productive. I gave cooper a bath, precooked several items for the next few days, and I even went over music for the Opera. That took up like 3 hours of my day. I have absolutely no idea how I managed to waste the other 10 hours of my day. I pretty much spent it grazing and slothing around. Slothing is not a word, but I think you know what I mean.

Tomorrow I will be cleaning my floors, and I am not looking forward the the process or the smell. You see I chose my apartment pretty much because I was in love with the hardwood floors. I did not, however, think through the upkeep that I would be taking on. The floors are waxed, and can only be cleaned with water and vinegar. Sick. That is what I get for giving importance to things that are unnecessary. Is it worth the lovely smoke smell and the crazy lady that constantly yells at her husband(at least im assuming) Chris? Nothing that a little music and candles cant get rid of. Im sticking with pretty floors=happy lady.

I had the privilege of meeting several new friends this last semester at Butler. One of them, Ben Bernthal, is in a band called the accordions, and I cannot get over this video of them. This video gives you a glimpse of some of their sweet instruments. My favorite part is the guy (I believe his name is Kip :-) ) playing the saw... yes, he is bowing a saw. It makes the coolest sound.

You can find the band here

also... my christmas tree is still up. You would think I could spend my time taking that down. That'll be tomorrow as well.


Today I was so happy to be reminded that there are still good people out there...

I was on my way home to Indy and I needed to stop and get gas. I chose the same pump that I always go to at any gas station, creature of habit, and this was a mistake. I swiped my card, and the pump ended up being broken. I went inside to let them know, and to make sure I would not be paying for someone else's gas later. After this my card would not work because they had already put the hold on my account and I was not able to get gas. I have this terrible habit of running my gas tank to Empty, and beyond empty. I know it is bad for my car, no need to remind me. Anyways, I was stuck at the gas station. I called the bank and they told me I had to deliver a letterhead from BP stating all this information in order for the money to be credited back. With this process I would have to wait 2 business days, so I wouldnt get it till monday. Lovely. I decided to wait until BP processed their transactions which, the manager assured me, would be tonight. I went out to my car, and was starting to make a call to have someone rescue me, when I look and see the manager standing at my window. She smiled and said that she was coming to put gas in my car. I was not too keen on this idea, and tried to convince her that I would be fine. She was very persistent and told a story of herself in the same situation. She said that a woman helped her out, and it was her turn.

I have never actually had someone pay it forward, to me, did that make sense? So Kelly, thank you for saving me, even though it was my fault I was stuck. I will never forget that.



Is it sad that all this talk of spring now has me longing for summer...

and this swimsuit?

yes. it is sad.


Too Soon?

I love Winter, but only for a short period of time. I am usually over the snow when february rolls around. It hit early this year with all of the spring magazines that I have been getting. It also does not help that I am currently in Oklahoma where I don't even have to wear a coat. You all know how much I love coats, but it has been nice to not have to wear one these past couple of days. I guess that is just one more reason I love and miss Oklahoma... more on that later :-)

I have done my best this year trying to stay away from online browsing/shopping. It is not that I ever really buy anything, just that sometimes I go crazy over all the eye candy. I am a girl and sometimes I like pretty things. Lately I have been on the lookout for a new pair of glasses, and I think I found them.
and I am in Love.

My mum used to always get cat eye sun glasses. She was so classy.

I did not have a new years resolution until today. Every where I look there are book recommendations. So many people that I know, blogs that I read, and even websites I've stumbled on have posted about books. I have always loved to read, ever since I can remember. I have not, however, been feeding my imagination as often as I should. This past year has been very slow for me in the reading department, and this makes me very sad. I have held true to my annual read through the Harry Potters tradition, but that is pretty much it. I have definitely been on movie overload and I think it is time for me to give my eyes a rest from the computer screen. Yes, just computer, I do not have a tv. That being said, my New Years resolution is going to be to read at least one book a month. This sounds like a very easy task, but with school it may be difficult. Hopefully I can get some suggestions as to what it is I should be reading :-) Hint Hint

School starts soon... I am excited for this. I will finally get back to a normal schedule, and also normal eating habits. I did really well last semester with healthy eating, and I plan on continuing. Down 15, 10 to go! All I need is motivation, all I want is kettle chips and peanut butter m&ms...