

I cant go to taco bell, I'm on an all carb diet.

I always knew that being in college would keep me busy. I also knew that I would experience low cash flow. I was prepared for these things... sort of. I was not prepared for the weird eating habits. Tonight for dinner I had...

  • Chocolate Cake and
  • Honey Dijon Kettle chips


Wouldn't you just love to get this as a holiday gift?

23 years ago today...

Happy birthday to the twins in the family.

I love that they are twins and they dont even look related. Love you brother and sister and I am so happy you were born!


oh for the love

For the past couple of months I have been swamped with school. I have been so swamped that I have not be1.en able to make time for the things that I love. This has been sad and has kept me on edge... I mean how can you not be on edge if you arent doing things to make yourself happy. There are several things that inspire me, sooth me and just make me happy. I have a list of these things, but they are not just things. The list includes people, places, and things; I love nouns. Begin List.

1. Family. My family has always been huge, and it just keeps growing. There is nothing in the world that makes me happier than when I am around any of them. You also drive me insane :-)

2. Friends. I have had many friends over the years, and busy life makes maintaining friendships difficult. I hate growing up for this very reason. Some days I ache thinking back and all I want is to be in a friends backyard dancing like an idiot. I try not to dwell in that mindset for too long, and I snap back to reality. I am happy to be growing up. I have pictures to cherish forever and I will do just that. I do still hope that someday we'll have matching old lady cars...

3. Creating. I love to make stuff. I love to challenge my creative side, and jump at the chance to try something new. I love sewing, drawing, writing, scrap-booking, knitting, jewelry making, and pretty much anything else that fits in a category with those other things. Taking the time to make something is not always easy, but I always feel so great after I am finished. I love to give handmade gifts, because I feel like that is a great way to let someone know you care. I love color, texture, and glitter and when I make stuff I get to pick out whatever I want. Yes please.

4. Cooking. I debated on whether or not I should put this with creating. I rarely use a recipe when I am cooking. This is partly because I get bored with instruction, and also because I like to test my kitchen knowledge. This does not always go well, but I definitely get better with each attempt. I like to think I am a good cook, but I know that I have a lot of room for improvement. I love food; it makes me very happy, and if I can create something with food I am seriously happy. I go through phases of what I like to cook, and sometimes I go through spells of no cooking (right now). I still love it, and a good plate of food can solve lots ofmy problems.... dont tell. I guess I should have called this category food, because I just get happy when anything involves food. I love cooking it, eating it, watching it being worked with. I especially love the Food Network....

5. Movies. I Love watching movies. I could watch movies all day long every day. I am pretty sure I just love stories and that is why I also love reading...

i seriously love netflix... movies and tv!

6. reading. I love to read. I love to read. I love to read. Books are so wonderful; I love the smell of them, I love the look of them, and I love the feel of them. I dont even get mad when I get paper cuts from them. There is something wonderful about reading a story and using your imagination to create the characters. I really dislike when books are made into movies, yet im still always first in line at the premiers. I like being disappointed? whatever... these books make my heart flutter.

This has quickly become the longest post of all time. Before your eyes disintegrate I will say to be continued...


hello old friends

Sorry for the months of absence... Being at a new school, in a new city, just having everything new is very difficult. I did not even have internet until about two weeks ago, but now I do! Things will be picking up for me in the blogging world and I hope you enjoy the changes that will be happening. I have several posts planned for your reading pleasure and I am excited to also be sharing some details about my journey. I might even let you peek inside my apartment!
